Good to know things never change.
Cheaters already at it
Should I be worried about this score?
Kut-Ku is the bane of my existence
Just finish Okami for the first time
Behold the great golden age of the ps3 at 30fps- Rig: RTX4070. i7 13th and 32gb ram.
My fellow Magneto mains; what’s your favorite part about playing Magneto?
Former OW Players, Who Were Your Mains Before Rivals (& Mains in Rivals?)
Before Wilds release, do you have a hunting partner ?
Veteran Hunters, what are you going to be doing differently this time?
Its out i guess
LR final boss and dumb cephalopod
When using the slide down effect on text, it first appears on the bottom opaque and inverted before sliding down from the top. Any way to fix this? (Free, Version 19.)
Not the Peace I wanted, but Peace Nonetheless (A Re-Analysis of Weapon Orders, Armor IDs, and Title Updates)
The Arkveld Conspiracy, The Last Areas, A Strange Conversation, and an Update from Me
New lance move in the embargo videos
Lance and Gunlance Final Stats (As Requested) + Some more info on Skills and Set Bonuses
I made a video with some cool clips from beta two! :3
I made a new video with some cool clips from beta two!
A cool sequence of events
I'll miss this version of lance
Hitboxes for new monster as always on point lol
I call this one the one, two, buckle my shoe. (Arkveld)
Painting/dying suede?