The Yip Yips
U.S. towns/regions that are blue/rural/wealthy OUTSIDE of New England?
Why don't you go out to eat at night?
3 main airports, 0 direct rail connections.
what is your holy grail dvd. that you woulndt let go in the divorce?
Which obscure Disney animated character(s) do you love and would want to see on more merchandise?
Saw this in a paint by number book and I can’t figure out who it’s supposed to be
Would you pay $700 for this?
Why do so many 2010s and 2020s flag redesign ideas look so corporate?
What are these or what was in em
Reuben pizza for St. Pat's?
So what do you think happened to the military forces of the nations of earth ?
As someone new to the U.S., what’s the best way to understand American football and baseball?
What're some of the most insane things that happened in an episode of Trek and then never got mentioned again?
"American section" at my Belgian grocery store. Are these products actually popular in America?
Is Los Angeles the most car-dependent city in the world?
Looking for a restaurant to celebrate grandma's 100th birthday
Well, I just came across this and I am just losing my mind
Describe one word about Leonard Hofstadter
What happened to Sebastian Stan's Oscar momentum?
For those of you who catch up with ongoing strips regularly (hopefully daily), where do get them?
Who are these chartacters
What star ship class would you prefer to serve a potential 5-year mission on?
Huskies named either "Loki" or "Bella"
Guys, is it weird that I watch sesame street?