Help! Awkward Room - What Would You Put Here?
Next book series after acotar?
Who’s your favorite villian to hate
Aelin and her loss of magic
Tropes that you’re sick of and what could make a story stronger
Am I the only one who could never forgive chaol?
Magic types that are getting boring/magic types you think would be cool to see more of
Stumped - building magical elements and characters
Fate vs free will - which was held more powerful symbolism
Weird bone to pick with KoA
What moment(s) live rent free in your head between TOG/ACOTAR/CC
What’s your favorite underhyped romantic gesture
Can’t bring myself to read Kingdom of Ash.
Rereading TOG for the 3rd time, which series should be next
Re reading Queen of Shadows
Favorite Quotes?
Spoiler who are the three favorite males to Queen Aelin. I know it is Rowan and Aedian but who is the third Dorian or Chaol? I forgot this part to Go Rattle The Stars.
My first re-read - Manon
What to Read Next looking for Suggestions