Pick an element, what's your power, weakness, archnemesis, lore (how you interact with other groups and your own team members)
What’s your name
I'm spicing it up, pick THREE and I'll choose your superpower
If you wake up one day and have superstrength (without any drawbacks ofc), what would you actually use it for? Can you improve your life with this power?
Kia kehte ho guyz 😭
Would You Rather Be Omnipotent or Omniscient?
Who wins?
Find angle DCG
Will I get answers wrong for writing in American English
ESL Resources please!
Seriously buyers could be losing 10% performance without ever knowing about them
Math 580 formula booklet
Are there any other resources that are better than a paid SME account?
Do I need a math textbook?
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Why is Carbon on the reactivity series in the IGCSE syllabus?
do we require pure, elemental potassium to function properly?
Are there any compounds that demonstrate metallic bonding?
Solubility table for IGCSE
Need Jeff Nippard’s Fundamentals Hypertrophy Program EXCEL SHEET
Why is hydrogen +1 and not -1?
What is O (not O2) like?
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