Let me rate your Favorite Metal band and song?
The Little Things Give You Away - Linkin Park [Rock]
Song titles that are way too long
What's the saddest song you know? Make me cry, not gentle crying, but full out ugly crying!
Songs where the singer is talking/referring to their fans
can someone help me? I’ve just bought this brand new boombox/cd player and every time I play cd’s it says “no”?
Donald trump is a _unt
Favorite song? Blow my mind
A song for a place in each country
Giveaway! One (or two) hit wonders. Comment to enter. Round 4.
Mr Chief Has Had Enough
What's your name without these letters?
Songs with "War" in it's name
What artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
Please recommend 1-3 songs to listen to that are your favorite right now. Need new music!
iso pretty odd patd hoodie
Times when the artist/band uses nonsense/ misspelt words in the title
Songs where the title is some sort of plant
It's been 5 years since celebrities figured that in order to feel better during lockdown, we needed them to sing Imagine.
Why does this CD not say the swear words?
Robbie Williams
Songs about NOT wanting to be in love
My brother-in-laws keyboard....
Tell me, who’s the greatest rock band of all time?
Rarest CD you have?