Can anyone recommend me newer games similar to lost ark? :)
could we have dmg font sum but for sups?
it's not that bad right?
o7 not sure if this is real but o7
Why Wasn't This Event Paired with extra Aegir mats.
endless loading screen
Party finder is in the worse state it's ever been
I need to thank AGS for The Mokoko Bootcamp
The bard changes in the KR balance patch really make no fucking sense, nobody asked for them and they don't address any of the core issues the class faces.
Advanced Honing T3 vs T4
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON PATCH NOTES ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Balance patch soon, but if they balance classes from Act3 G3 data only...
LA RU ingame events for 26 Feb
does the upcoming hyper express give extra aegir mats?
#1 Lost Ark piloter and busser Saturn streaming with positive gold from negative 30 million gold in less than 24 hours...
Amazon could you please start freeing up nicknames?
i guess i don't need to look for any crit sub-stats huh?
I just had a cursed thought
KR QOL Update
Is the option to have damage numbers stacking in yet?
why is there such a short ass timer in chaos dungeon when the game takes so long to load?
for those who ask AGS to ban bussing, just know your worries are sent directly to the nearest trash bin
can someone tell me why a +18 game has a filter, AND WHY IS IT SO BAD?