Finally got one!!!!
Whose signature is this?
Took off my headphones tonight and noticed I have a balled spot
Just wondering: does your cat know their own name?
What’s the hottest thing a guy can say during sex?
How do you guys feel about Touch of Grey?
Name this duo (wrong answers only).
Child Labor Laws In Arkansas Are Repealed.
good smoke spots in howard county?
8 String Vs. 12 String
What isn't a religion but people treat it like it is?
You have a gun to your head and was told to recite one song perfectly to survive, what song are you singing?
what’s a book everyone loves but you didn’t enjoy AT ALL
What is the shittiest place you've visited?
Men who moan in public bathrooms, what went wrong in your life? (Possible NSFW)
What was the best time you've ever had with your dad?
Picked up this cute stray who now needs a name and not something like “Smokey”.
I’f you could pick any game to receive the “Remaster” treatment what would it be?
Another foster cat (F 5wks). Needs a good name!
My brothers new friend, he can’t think of a name though.
There are many like it, but this one is mine. 60th Anniversary US Fender Highway One Stratocaster got a facelift.
What did you HATE as a child but LOVE as an adult?
It sat unloved for 6 years, due to life taking a dump on me. Today I put 200 miles on her and rediscovered how happy I am that I didn’t sell it when it could’ve helped.
My neck finally came!