Phoenix Lords and melee
3-0 in Local 1500 Point RTT - Aspect Host
Leaked Jain Zar, Maugan Ra,
List Building help, newer player who simply cannot get a win
Is this an insane list? Hear me out...
ITT Teams fate dice roll 🫣
Recently found my old Biel-Tan army from 3rd Edition in my parents attic. (Excuse the bisected Avatar)
1500 RTT List
Flying stands and bases
5th Ed Minis
2k RTT Results
1k list would u make any Changes
Basing Inspiration for Eldar Models
Balanced mission for 500 points?
Absolutely incredible Eldar list at the top of 62-player Grand Tournament!
Fun day out vs the Guard!
A meme I made after my game the other night
How would you fix flyers?
Which units to finish 2000pts?
Competitive 2k Aeldari roster
Eldar army ready for small tournament
Need army list advice
The Phoenix Court of Khaine
Meme list maybe viable?