What do you watch on TV?
What's a product/service that was a failure throughout the 2000's?
Life is like a game of Tetris. All your achievements disappear, while your mistakes start piling up.
What’s a small thing that really gets on your nerves?
Have you ever been written up at work? If so what happened after it.
In your opinion is there anything worse than stubbing your toe?
What is something about yourself that annoys you?
Have you ever dealt with an Ex who won't stop trying?
Whenever you go out for an evening what is a must that you have to do?
If your EX text you "Baby I love you, I want you back". What's your reply?
Have you ever purchased something that you didn't need but only purchased it because it was a good deal at the time?
What was the worst birthday gift that you ever received?
In your opinion do you feel like there are some jobs that are underappreciated?
Who's better at being a heel than being a face?
What’s something silly you believed as a child?
What country has the best food. In your opinion?
Should be companies give out more PTO's than they already have?
Are you still friends with any of the friends you made at high school or in early 20s?
Thoughts on cashiers not sitting down.
What’s the one thing you cannot wrap your head around?
Thoughts on Whole Foods?
Is there a specific luxury brand that you personally like?
Favorite Michael Jackson song.
Have you ever played hooky?
Which phone application do you use most?