Isn't this misinfomation to bait viewers?
Will Vivian become Wise's canon wife like Luna to Captain in Hi3rd ?
Tamarinne confirmed to be a skin
Castorice Mains | V4 General Discussion Megathread
Huo huo for castorice?
I can't wait to go all in on her next week!😭
Ignore it just a bit of rant
With v4, quantum orb is dead.
E0 Tribbie vs or E1 Castorice
MOC 3.0 V4 Castorice E0S1, RMC E6S5, Tribbie E0S5 DDD, Gallagher E6S5 QPQ
V4 Castorice Changes via HomDGCat
Tribbie E1 or Castorice E1 V4?
dragon is again 32k we won
Stealing the Superbreak Team - Alternatives & Viability
Does this mean I have to pull for her now?
With current Eidolons V3, Does E6 Tribbie do more damage than E6 Castorice?
Summary of the S Anby I-Frame and Dodge Input Drama on the CN Side.
Since Tribbies banner is comming to an end I have a question.
5.4-5.5 Abyss usage rate - Phase 2 (March 16, 2025 - April 15, 2025) (Sample Size: 133046)
Lord Phaethon is cleaning her room and Vivian stops him by @matchaistasty
(17/3) Upcoming World Arena Improvements Notice