I'm sorry, who's room is this for?
Ah yes! I have always wanted a "From By For Fl Oz"
A VERY specific target market
I'll need these for my 10,101,010,101,010,101,010 birthday
I giggled too hard at this description. So glad they clarified how to use these.
Account in jail
Quick review turnaround
Looking for a Post? Ask Here! - March 2025 Edition
Order not shipping
Quiet machine needed - even if not electric.
I've always wanted to join a cult
Owning a pet is mostly about being part of a cult and I wonder when pet addicts are going to snap out of it.
Numbers are off?
Planning my Stash Enhancing Excursion
I passed my CDL exam!
"Not Beer American Sparkling Water"
I wonder what tool for a woman this could be. Almost tempted to order it just to see what arrives.
This Kind of Thing Perplexes Me
Question on tonight's advantage plays.
Paid version
Your number 1 vine find?
🎶The best part of waking up is an accidentally requested item!
Who here wrote this lol
Can you exchange items?
Will somebody PLEASE take the ostomy bags? And why aren't they $0 ETV?