some of my top fav thred up finds 🫡
can you guess my age?
を vs に for this particular use case
what 🤣🤣
nose jewelry too small for my face?
Be so fr
Simple Sewing Questions Thread, October 06 - October 12, 2024
tried to make something with more energy and tension, thoughts?
first complete piece as someone who has only played violin. what did i do well, and what could i change?
Why are people in the comments saying she looks hot?? 🙄
Weird arm
Septum Stack Update!!!!
getting my first facial piercing later this year, which ones would look best?
Cringe Depop Moment
Dumbass Tiktoker fakes kidnapping for a prank
resellers are already gouging the f21 drop prices…
What should I get on my Subway sandwich?
Kids are so annoying. Every time I walk past one, they _____ me!
Megathread: The Odyssey Event, May 26-29
Accidentally swiping home!!!
Cringy obsessive BTS fangirl
Is any of the music you regularly listen to instrumental, and if yes, what type?
What did I do to deserve +0.03