Ok who's taking responsibility for this one?
Helena Vlahos performing her 9 quarters belly dance act, 1979
was told to post this here
"Turk have nothing to do with greco-roman culture apart from destroying it 😡". apparently Denmark does though! 😑
Τι παράγουμε;
Reality was bent to make this meme.
Haydaaa malaka budala
Wait... You're Not a Baluchi Nationalist Yet?! 🎶 Greece ❤️ Baluchistan ❤️ Israel ❤️ Kurdistan ❤️
Father of the nation (mediterranean version)
What’s something a Pakistani 🇵🇰 would never say ? 🤔
Western balkan axis at it again!
Even McDonald’s in Portugal is Eastern European
Σαν πας στην Καλαμάτα
You know what, sure greeks, they are greek and only greek, you can keep them🤗
Never change Sven
Albanian diaspora trying to be French 🤦♂️
Turks are like frustrated incels who can't get girls, so they start hating them
POV: you're Arap in a proxy war
Aromanians are too chill for the Balkans fr fr😔
Look at his face, he fell in love
ΑΥΤΟ ειναι τηλεοπτικο προγραμμα
Can we stop bashing Spain-Greece, and focus on Sweden-Finland for a change?
Meanwhile in Polish TV.