Is Xtreme Xmen (2001) Canon to 616, or is it its own thing? And is it any good? No spoilers!
So how confusing is Scott family tree
What are these?
Question about X-Treme x-men
Do Jean fans and Scott fans even like each other??
Would you marry someone with the same profession as your parents?
Employee Appreciation Day
What are your top 10 favourite x-men?
Did rachel deserve the silent treatment
Owners of expensive SUV asking for free drinks.
Upgrading my carpet pythons enclosure
I can’t be the only one who feels Rachel never gets enough love.
Needing recommendations for a memorial tattoo
Would hand tattoos that don’t fit the theme of my sleeves be weird?
Should this suit get a modern revamp?
Would you want to see Cyclops' relationship to Vulcan to get explored more?
Living in National Parks while homeless
Am in my car in Florida, found this website that says sleeping in my car here is illegal. I’m freaking out. Georgia also. Where to go?
Any advice for sitting through painful tattoo’s?
What's a rule in your house growing up that you thought was normal but turned out to be very strange?
Which X-Men member is your favorite?
What is your hot take on Jean grey?
X-Men fans what is the one thing you hate most about Charles Xavier
What's the most toxic thing an X-Men couple has done to each other?
ok but THIS comeback