Which Nickelodeon character do you think is IMPOSSIBLE to hate?
If someone says : wwe is so fake . What are you replying back with
Which nick characters was most hated
Which nickelodeon show would you want back as a reboot with new episodes
What star ship class would you prefer to serve a potential 5-year mission on?
Oh to have a friend like Alma... I'd move mountains
how it feels playing when you ignore the complaints of every season😍🥰
am i the only one finding this season boys kinda..... ugly
Dominic only option?
Tomorrow is the big day
Can we stop trying to fix reid
reddit wrapped
Local Karen would like to speak to the manager of the urban dictionary
Karen now has her own Trading Card Game, launched on kickstarter.
Has anyone done their Reddit Wrapped? (Link Below)
So, who do we talk to about updates?
And I don't even have their flawless skin or get the guy at the end😭
Reddit Wrapped
He isn’t ugly tbh
New Chapter: Wednesday/Thursday - Blades of Light & Shadow 3.16
What Disney Film do you think is underrated and deserves more attention? Here’s mine
I hate when they do this
Does anyone actually care about Dominic?
Expanded my HS
Without spoilers, is D&D book 3 worth it?