Selling My old Dokkan Whale /2350 log in days/ very rare units for collectors
He’s right
Unintended? I’ve never been happier in my life
Love this group!!
Politically homeless
As an outsider, this sub is so weird
I colored a page
Blooming villain
Why do intellectuals tend to be anti-capitalist?
Lovin' it so far...
O que acham da liberdade de expressão ilimitada ao estilo americano?
This is not Germany 1930s, this is Ohio 2024.
Never forgetti
On "Free Will" in AnCap Philosophy
Aonde nós chegamos...
We're already winning...
Yuval Noah Harari: "Covid is critical because [it] convinces people to accept [...] total biological surveillance"
If you could get rid of any single tax, which would it be?
See something, say nothing!
Cuba is undergoing total societal collapse after 65 years of communism
"Tariffs are awesome!"
A mom doing the ‘waves’ while carrying her baby in carrier
That's the neat part!
Do yourself a favor
Milei explaining the problem with state-owned companies