Anyone tried this tool backpack? Any other recommendations? (No Veto)
Yellow specs on my gear from my packs?
What Meter should I buy?
My Apprentice tool setup.
Electrical Apprentice bag setup
M18 nailer worth 2x the price of Ryobi?
Anyone vouch for this guy?
Are these any good?
Is this a Fuel product? Invoice says it is but products do not have Fuel written on them?
Are these 20 amp outlets?
How concerned should I be?
Not a car guy but may buy this matrix and want to know if this is an alarming amount of rust?
We failed the inspection.
Anyone know this sweater?
Ran one of my favourite kits at airsoft
My squad from the last game. Mostly bean kits this time.
My kit from last airsoft game
Best LEGO Droideka?
Picked up my first action camera, not sure if I’m doing it right…
Not sure what this is
I am currently searching for rare/difficult to obtain items to add to my collection. What else is worthy?
The hoth moc begins
Good YouTube for Teens
Which weapon is this for you?