What is going on with Watchful Wardstone?
What are some champs you think are underrated in the scaling department?
This is why I quit toplane...
The fact that the last few OP jungle picks all rely on doing damage to clear jungle proves that not being able to do damage to camps is a huge issue
Do you buy icons for 250 RP?
Hubris first item
Gotta love playing vs full tank comps :D
New rumble item!
25.06 Full Patch Preview
Can ambessa buffer CC with her dashes?
Would Rumble benefit from the Diana bruiser build?
Camille jungle
The most gold Efficient Build for Pantheon jungle.
What do you think is going to be the next sleeper OP jungle pick like darius?
Runeterra Darkins
Darius jg is so boring
Riot, if you want Gwen to build Hp, give her an Hp ratio.
Diana Mid Runes Explanation
Does Darius jungle deserve a hotfix?
Why does Serylda's Grudge still have 30% armor penetration?
Nothing turns me on like Aatrox screaming at me
I have posted about electrocute few weeks ago
New Rek'sai player, my honest thoughts and opinions.
The pyke issue
I hate it when a proplay or streamer makes Darius jungle popular