Looking for look-alike voids
what is the first thing you see in my painting
It’s my birthday, and I want to see your cats!
Anyone ever seen this emote before???
Pickles says show us your pretty black cats please
I found this in Goodwill for $6
Finished my cardigan under tragic conditions
Got half this cardigan done, time to start the other half:)
Little photoshoot for Mr Harley
Crochet this kitty bed and she loves it
Made this vine thing for my one of my chargers
I love his cute little pink paws 🩷🩷
He’s analyzing the new bed I crocheted
Meet Harley! What color would you say his eyes are?
Made this camo hat 🖤🤎💚
My best friend got me this duck from Walmart in October
✅ Checkpoint ✅
Made this baby blanket 🤎🤍🐻
What’s on your hook Wednesday!?!?
Made another hammock but for my yarn cakes
Finished another bag but in black 🖤
Made this hammock for my dollar tree yarn lol
Making another granny square heart bag 🩷🖤
Said goodbye to my best friend today. Please show me your tuxies I would love to see them all!