I Realised Something She Doesn't...
17 f Ama
My name is DH
Type in “It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s…” and allow autocorrect to finish it
Type "Shark bit my______ Off"
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Make the comment section look like this guy’s search history
Are sirens edible?
Type ‘the government’ and you know the rest
Who would you want to voice?
You guys choose antinous (and it wasn’t even close) So whose the hot one 🔥
Type "I'm a" and let auto correct finish
Type "i have a massive" And you know how it goes
Type “Joke’s on you, I don’t” and let you-know-what finish the rest
Type in "I just ate 20,000 ___" and let auto-complete finish it
Type out “Do you want me to….” and let autocomplete do its thing
Who's your favorite reactor to the musical?!
Who is this? Wrong answers only.
AITA for giving a cyclops all my personal info?
I think a banner would
If u could rename the earth what would u name it
How controversial is my tier list y'all? (BE HONEST)
Type “I want to” and let the left autocorrect button finish the sentence
Type "is it wrong to" and let auto complete finish the sentence
Type "I'm not a big fan of" and let your keyboard finish (gif unrelated)