GTT 75g test - borderline “pass” [on]
I didn’t fail, but I also didn’t pass my 1 hour glucose test. [ON].
Early mat leave becuase of diarrhea [bc]?
Pregnancy safe sunscreen [on]
The most low carb option made me spike as much as pizza 🫣
Friend Gets denied for a position.
My daughter had a bit of discharge in her eye and my husband put a very wet cotton pad in her eye filling her eye and face with water. She’s crying a lot now. Is this dangerous?
Formula shortage: Nutramigen [bc]
Another Earthquake? ~5:02 am
Metro+ Graco Car Seat Adapter discontinued – Help! [BC]
My uncle is going to Nigeria to marry a women who met on TikTok
Girl name Dedicated to David
Twinrix (Hep A & B) Vaccine in Burnaby - Is prescription needed? Pharmacy with lowest prices?
Finding a daycare spot: September or January start date? [BC]
Protein Powder During Pregnancy [BC]
Did your insurance cover Nipt? [Sk]
Praising Pharmacist
PP Constipation - Give me all your remedies
20 week ultrasound [bc]
Is the Dyson airwrap considered an electronic or beauty product?
Damaged Luggage
What do you think the Coquitlam Centre area is missing?
9month TTC now a CP
Pharmacist licence fees
Flying with Toddler Snacks/Drinks