Hello guys, I need your help, what happens is that I don't know why I appeared in eternalan, I'm level 9 and I don't know how to get out.
I already finished hollow knight but with 59%
ready I have screams from the abyss and shadow cape now where should I go and what should I do
I don't know if it's a bug or something else but when I enter the koschei complex with colleagues I
I need help to beat sentinel hornet
tanjiro in hollow knight xd
getting even better
the easiest boss I've ever faced
I finally have a heart of glass and I already handed over the merchant's key.
finally in the city of tears in a beautiful moment and thanks for the real advice and I finally understood how the mantis claws work
This part is difficult, I almost died.
It is true but nothing that our gentleman cannot overcome
this part is complicated for me
hola necesito consejos porque hay dos cosas que se me conplican un poco uno es la garra de mantis y el otro es el pogo o el golpe aia abajo
I mean really that if you buy this package they give you the night war ghost skin for dmz warzone mo
So if I buy this package will I be able to use this aspect of ghost in dmz?
What sniper do you recommend and with what modifications?
WTF oh really ?
Hello, I was thinking of buying the hollow knight but I wanted to know if they are god and incredible as they say
This Ghost skin can still be achieved, right? And by the way, I'm using translator goggles because I
guys, what ghost appearance do you recommend?
DMZ - 5 man kill
nesesito ayuda para sifu lo que pasa es que nose aser el deribe y me dice sw + primer clic pero no ase nada solo golpea y si me pueden dar algun consejo para poder ganarle al jardinero por que noe podido pasarme la primera fase y siempre pierdo