I am House, AMA
It is whatever it is
Boys we got our spin off sub before GTA6.
I am capable of finding girls like this
GPU fan broke so I ziptied a 3500rpm 92mm fan. INNO3D RTX 3060ti.
Which game and how many times ?
Drink & Drive!!
i put out a fire
Make way for noddy
Zyadakuch nahi...The house is empty. The voices have faded. But some family members never leave — they wait silently, rusting, weathered but loyal. A guardian of memories, even when no one comes home anymore.
Ordered 9070, got 9070 XT
I ordered a 9070, got a 9070. Wtf
Now I am literally him!
S'cuse me I passed gas again to fill my gas cylinder to cook food so that I can pass gas again to fill my gas cylinder to cook food....
What's your "literally me" character?
Why is he? (I'm going insane)
Always the fucking alarm
Back to realposting
Maybe Someday Perhaps We will be blessed with this beauty
differential diagnosis, go!