My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
How can I improve my trumpet playing as a self-taught person?
A Golden Mount Rushmore statue with Trump's head on it on display at Mar-A-Lago
Threesome really damaged our marriage. What do we do?
Do you use techniques or meds to aid in getting to sleep?
Michigan Republican congressman would prefer it if people stopped calling his office
This was on my windshield this morning
Yoga class for an old person in Philly?
What's wrong with me?
AITA for wanting to leave my gassy partner?
What is one piece of relationship advice you have?
Why Not Try Opt-In Taxation?
What’s burning?!?
Can you guess what scared the heck out of my wife and I at 2 am
Those who smoked after being sober for a long time - how did you feel?
This is my solo from yesterday. Note: At the end it did get off Tempo because the rest of the band sped up (no idea why).
As an American, how do you feel about your future?
Has anybody tried making a truly solid trumpet?
Husband: "Don't make me SLAP you to bring you back to your senses."
I farted and my boyfriend got mad!
“Go Birds is what he said.” 💀
My mom lost her battle with cancer today
Anti-Vaccine supporter RFK Jr sworn in as Health Secretary
Seceret in marriage
I wonder if I can print a new mouthpiece for myself with a 3D printer!