Moving to Monaco for finance jobs
How many people are not in IB and make 150k+
Sen Master thesis idea 💡 (help)
Went on a really nice date, we got too drunk after and it got really weird
In love
Some Unknown Examples of Pre-Colonial West African Architecture
Sono io la stronza se compro due tramezzini prima di andare a scuola anche se a la mia ragazza gli dà fastidio?
Is there something more between me (21M) and escort (25F)?
Natural Bride ❤️
I seriously think I f up my internship
Last night's Tuscan Chicken Pasta
Struggling with a Relationship Where My Partner Doesn’t Share My Ambition – Need Advice
I (27F) told my fiance (28M) about my promiscuous phase and now he want to end the marriage? How do I go about resolving this?
me 26f can’t make my boyfriend 40m cum orally. what do i do?
Finding accommodation as intern in Geneva
What’s something sexual that you are NEVER doing again?