Who’s in your scar jail, the goofiest and the worst one?
Say something nice about Maddie
Do you guys also shower with socks on?
Me because we have a concert tonight and all of us suck:
What are your nicknames for Telemachus
I saw this and thought it was funny🤣
Yeah i think you should translate it💀
My dad said to me "bring me those two" then got mad because i didn't understand what he wanted
Please tell me you're ok
Game ABC characters edition
"hey, you know your pencil sharpener is broken right?" Her friend asked siting on her bed.
is breathing a red flag?
Found this on the wall of my repairman. What do you think? (Don't take too seriously)
So I decided to dig a hole
founddddddddd the midpoint
Do y'all get those talks about abuse and stuff
I'm just a musical girly 😭
My friend just called me a whore 💔
Jesus fucking Christ some of y’all don’t deserve speaking rights
Lord Apollo altar
Epic ABC's - results
Best Ship?
Someone tried to convert me on campus the other day