Guess where I’m from based on the flags I saw when I walked to the store yesterday
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Livet er en fest!
Tell me
Type "I'm wanted in 45 states because" and let auto complete finish the sentence (image unrelated)
Type any oversimplified characters name with your eyes closed
Type any fnaf characters name with your eyes closed
Name him
10nita har så rå stil at dette var det som kom opp då eg søkte opp "stil"
What OS video do you want to see the most?
I wonder which country is larger
One word
First thing you’re smelling?
What’s your phone percent?
Honestly Im on team red
Where do i post this
My attempt at a slanted building style, what do you guys think?
Easiest way to remove this bit? (Xbox)
ww3 but you change it in the replies pt.2
Welcome to Spain
Happens all the time
Denmark fights back
I'm not Norwegian, but I hope Norwegians enjoy my meme.
hard hit emoji questions