They will never make me hate you
Would Laura Kinney healing powers cause her hymen to reform after sex?
Stain is my favorite Punisher Adaption
I love everyone's reactions to Korrasami, especially Opal 😭
Listen, you want to read some ACTUAL Outjerking?
Is she the least racist Kitty in the multiverse?
I used to be a worker at a suicide prevention center, and I had a best friend who was nice and there for me, does anyone else happen to be in contact with him?
I can’t believe it guys, spider-man is a mutie!
What kind of superhero is this?! 😭
Cloak and Dagger fans when a white woman and black man:
Might be a pet peeve but does anyone else wish they would've just had Zendaya's MJ be explicitly Mary Jane Watson from the start instead of "Michelle Jones" and then adding Watson to her name in NWH?
Sam should’ve called himself Falcum instead of Captain America
Why Sam didn't something like "Ross is Hulk now? Well, that's awkward."
Found it odd in Brave New World, do you notice how no one actually addresses the fact that Red Hulk is a “Hulk”?
Just finished GOTHAM BROTHERS. Man, what a ride. Which episode was your favorite ?
How amazing would it be if she was in big form and pissed all over you
If Ninjago fans acted like Spider-Man 'fans' - "Morro is the Master of Wind. Euphrasia is Euphrasia."
Meet my spider-sona the dimensional Tech-spider
Counterpoint: Raceswapping characters sometimes does matter, the importance of the ethnic/cultural background of the character should be considered
Why didn't Aquaman help the Avengers in Infinity War?
What’s Mayor’s Fisk’s beef with Spider-Man ?
They better not let anything bad happen to this woman. Look how happy she is.
Why did Nick Fury say this to a 15 year old boy after witnessing his best friend seemingly kill his dad? Is he stupid?
Curly hair MJ, you are untouchable
Why did they exclude my boy Dex from the Thunderbolts? Does Val have something against people suffering from mental health issues?