Give me some recommendations please
Suggest something for a newbie
Books for my 12 year old son
A book you couldn’t put down
Books that are probably not underrated..
High school library book recommendations!
I’m bored, ask me anything! :]
Need Help in how to tell if my crush is straight or also likes boys
why are there no cute queer guys in my area 😢
How did you find out you were bisexual
Pick a number between 283 and 1 and I will give you a song that correlates with that number
No offense but when I say I'm bisexual this is what I mean
Tell me your fictional crushes and I’ll rate them.
(Update) She was my best friend and I was in love
Going to ask out my crush
She was my best friend and I was in love
I have a crush on someone but I don't really know what to do