Balls and a Shower
Which one?
Kentucky and Beams
Stadium Hot Dogs
Sheets and Dessert
He wasn’t joking when he set out to destroy me
Orange Drinks and dreaming of where I want to be…
Don’t be stupid
Surgers and Hands by Bells and Apple Juice
Hair is falling out in clumps
My favorite time. Horribly sad. Miserable. Not sure there’s a reason to continue. He did everything he said he was going to do.
Why is it seen as normal for a man to say “my wife/girlfriend won’t let”, but more concerning if a woman say “my husband/boyfriend won’t let me”?
What’s the most stupid reason someone broke up with you?
Tried overdosing myself, do I need to go see a doctor?
When you have to many ducks for dashboard
What’s your everyday, go-to breakfast sandwich or breakfast burrito?
How can I get over my first guy? I feel devastated
Would you rather "your entire internet history be leaked or have every text message you ever sent made public"?
How do you get rid of a cold asap?
How do you handle constant surveillance?
Do spoiled kids grow into spoiled adults?
Me and my girlfriend are hearing a phone ring.
What’s something that happened in your life that you never expected?
Permanent Restraining Order
How fast is too fast to move on after a relationship?