Need a good excuse to get out of a weekly hang out.
Am I crazy?
Let’s vent about the 2nd trimester
Making more mistakes at work than usual
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
I haven’t had a dating scan
Once the baby arrives...
Incredibly disappointed to find out I have an anterior placenta
Does baby moving make me fart, or does farting make baby move?
baby movement
When did needing to eat every 2-3 hours stop for you?
When did you start experiencing symptoms?
Skipping HIIT
OB’s nutrition advice
Smart introverts, are you always the one doing most of the work during group projects?
Have you ever came across a really extroverted introvert?
Pregnancy brain
Am I just callous?
I miss pooping every day
Are you telling people your baby name or waiting until they’re born?
When was your partner able to feel baby moving from the outside?
When did you start to show?
Introversion isn’t one-size-fits-all. We all experience it differently!
Baby furniture help
Help me name this boy 😍