Finished Gleanings. Here is my rank. Also some of my overall opinions to
You're walking down the street, and a giraffe dropkicks you. What do you do?
Scythe Lamar - Not Old Guard (Part One)
Who would you want to train under?
Most effort Scythe fan art
Name cursed scythe names
Age old question. Start a war in replies, I don't care, just prove why your side is better
About the Failsafe
Neal has another book!
Good story?
Blooket nicknames
The toll
A scythe knocks on your door. How do you convince them to not glean you (or at least convince them to let you live a little longer)
What's the biggest lie you believed as a kid?
Using movie titles only, how would describe your last poop?
It has been a privilege playing with you tonight
scythe faraday and munira? (reading thunderhead, NO SPOILERS.)
How powerful is your avatar? Could you or anyone else defeat it?
give me your avatars and I’ll rank EVERY SINGLE ONE (open for around a day)
What kinda voice do you picture the thunderhead to have?
There is a button than grants you 10 grand every time you press it, but someone you don't know dies instantly. Who's pressing it?
When did you start playing or quit?
So uh... Wanna trade?