Your username is what awaits for You when You wake up the next day. How bad is the situation?
Do you guys lie about marijuana use?
Why do people act so surprised they got pregnant when they're not using birth control?
[Entry Thread #89] April’s been going places, and so will one person here, when we make them a millionaire from having them enter and comment!
Um… Excuse me, but What?!?
Sexualisation of women within anime (Everyone)
What is a good song that is over 6 minutes long?
Top media sources reporting new findings on our ancestors:
There is a hidden animal in this image.
[Entry Thread #85] I’m not toping last year’s rhyme, so instead come in for one great time! Come enter with your comment, then head straight for the summit; millionaire’s being made, and this time in serenade!
Why are folks mad at Andrei Jikh?
Aluminum based antiperspirant
So what are the negatives to living here?
The Supreme Court has overturned Roe V. Wade. How do you feel?
Worshipping puns is cringey as hell.
I don’t like Golden Retrievers
what’s a food you hate not because of the taste but because of the texture?
Getting off of work at an NPE be like;
Your username is how you lose your virginity, how screwed up are you?
What's the best fruit in your opinion?
[Entry Thread #74] It's the new year, and we're making millionaires! As always, leave a comment to enter!
TIFU by watching futanari porn and getting caught by my father.
What's your "I fucking hate this song" song?
Get this post to the moon and I'll give all GTX1060 away among all commenters.
GIVEAWAY: Today I’ll be giving away 10oz of silver to one lucky silver back who upvotes and comments why they love silver! Totally free, i will ship to you! Giveaway ends 11/19