One of the reasons the King Tiger feels off. It's the only tank that moves slower backwards
2.0 Anniversary Update Patch Notes (2.0.0)
Orchid Spider (1.9.0) Patch Notes
Most sane DAK wish list for next patch
Hot Fix 1.8.1 - Company of Heroes 3
CoH3 Update 1.8.0 Patch Notes
Infantry assault..............................................
Wehrmacht: What is the advantage of the Grenadiers’ Squad Transfer into Jäger or Panzergrenadiers?
Onyx Shark (1.7.0) - Deep Dive
Rangers are fine, except for the flamers
How do i stop a 'point being siphoned'?
Thrones of Decay - Elspeth/Empire Blog
[PC] Coral Viper (1.6.0) - Patch Notes
[PC] Year-1 Anniversary (1.5.0) Patch Notes
Dear CA, this has been in the game since forever now and it's super annoying
Am I the only one who hates instant siege attrition?
The fact that Stoßtruppen Squad (420 Manpower, 10 Pop) still exist in their state is unreal
Pharaoh UI... Less is more?
Longtime COH player's disappointment
Total War: PHARAOH First Look!!
What's with the numbers name? who are they? why are there so many of them?
my take on CoH2 iceberg
What is this Commander...?
Why didn't these two helicopters make a return for BF3 in portal mode?