Relationships with narcs be like:
Are you still loyal to your nex, even if everything is over and they don't want you?
narcissist going no contact as punishment!
4 weeks of punishment!
As harsh as it sounds, why do I get the impression that to the narc we're all just holes? How true would you say this is, based on your experience?
Does your nmother also have the need to question EVERYTHING?
Did any of you have a physical/mental illness that significantly improved when you left your nparents' place/went no contact?
Need some help
What's the most important lesson you've learned from the narc?
When you try to decide between being miserable with him and being miserable without him
i cant stand my parents anymore
How can I regain clarity of memories of the past? after being gaslit and abused.
what was your most proud injury you caused?
Do they calculate who they can manipulate/abuse more, or do you think they see everyone equally?
Do I need medication? Is there no end to this hell? Do I have OCD?
When to reach out
Escalating again.
Did your narc also respect your boundaries only when convenient?
Those of you who cut off the narc, what did you say and how did they react?
What’s the best thing about being done with your Narc Ex?
When did you feel ready to block them?
Why do I have such a hard time not taking personal the fact that he's an attention whore?
We're all so replaceable and it's so fucking ridiculous
You teach others how to treat you
What's the must hurtful part of being with a narcissist for you?