Yummy Furniture
Well, She Certainly Makes An Impression.
My club penguin journey unpopular opinions
Best romcom ever
Andy Cohen on NYE
What romantic movies did you grow up on that involved some sort of triangle/romantic rival and you switched sides as an adult?
She’s already backtracking
How do you all deal with GA concerts?
This woman has so many iconic lines it's ridiculous. What are your favorites?
What VPR moments do you wish you could see again for the first time?
What housewife has you like this??
What are yours?!
Who’s your unsuspecting migraine hero?
What are some episodes that you feel are bizarre?
Recommendations for other shows?
Amy cosy shows or films to watch during a migraine?
What’s your strangest migraine symptom?
Who’s a housewife that is impossible for you to hate?
I think I like NCIS because it is funny, but not a comedy. Recommend me some other shows.
What is the best Palme d'or winner?
Do you know what condition causes your migraines?
What to watch after bones
Those sensitive to side effects, what are meds you've had success with?
Live Episode Discussion: S11 Reunion Part 3 (eastern thread)
What's your comfort episode?