Life hack to never worry about job security
Ah yes, open discussion at its finest
Casual but make it hot. Did I nail it?
Me vs someone who's been through true pain
I left my PC unprotected, natural selection is in progress
Holi is the only time for men like these to have physical contact with women without's infuriating to watch
If someone says, "I always lie", are they telling the truth or lying?
What's your personal 'glitch' in real life?
If you could erase one common misconception from everyone's mind, which one would it be?
ChatGPT’s attempt of the planets of the Solar System.
If you could travel at the speed of light for 100 years straight, would your friends on Earth age and die while you remain the same age (18, 20, 25, etc.), and when you return to Earth, you see them all gone?
If two mind readers read each other’s minds, whose mind are they reading?
The Grammar Rule That’s Been Banned for Hundreds of Years
Who tf is "yourself"?
They Have a Sixth Sense for These Scenes
New doritos flavor
The Usual Routine
hallelujah it’s a miracle
Grammar check denied
Girls of Reddit, what are your thoughts on gentle, quiet boys?
What is something people pretend to like but actually hate?
We've all been there 💔
Reddit Notification Heart Attack
he is jesus