21 male, in shape and good looking
Just a fun weekend
I m a teen hot male (21yo) looking for a girl for some online fun. Dm if interested. We would switch from here on snap or smth. I m 6 feet tall an have an athleyic body
Is this normal when dating or am I doing something wrong?
My bf(30) has every platform he uses filled up with images of women and it hurts… how can I stop it hurting me so much?
Why do people cheat while in a relationship? To me it seems like a lot of effort, stress and time. Why not just break up or divorce instead of being unfaithful and hurting someone? I just don’t get it.
Really big sex drive?
Wasting the best part of my life?
If you're girlfriend said this, would it upset you?
Is it a turn off when woman can’t give oral?
Can t last long
In action lasting problems