What songs are you guy's obsessed with at the moment?
What song has your favorite guitar tone(s) of all time?
What albums come to mind?
do you have trans/transitioning friends? how do other people influence your repper grindset
Recently watched "I watched the TV glow" and the schizo poonout thoughts are back in full force (Vent)
What is your sexuality.
gender themed ocd is ruining my life and i dont know how i could possibly get better
Have you ever cried before because you got mogged by a luckshit?
This is bullshit right? She's clearly on estrogen
My new therapist is a repper
Based on that one "both are valid" post
stop with the chaste yuriposting
Ovarit also has bingo slop now 💀😭
(16M) My top 100, guess my age and gender
What should I do?
What is Isaacs haircut called?
agp is mainstream
redemption arc
People just cannot seem to understand the concept of a trans woman. Found this on r/lol
I want a t4t gf like this but I'm europ*ean.. Is it over?
If you could wipe an artists work from the face of the earth what would it be?
Avg reppchad
Has any one seen this before ?