Update on next episode of The Last Drive-in
What’s your thoughts on Friday The 13th Part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) ?
How long have you been watching wrestling? And have you ever taken a break from it?
Last truly GREAT Tech album?
EverythingIsWorseAtNight thoughts
Can you suggest what to watch next? Let me know if i'm doing good with all these line up.
Spoiler! Upcoming movie for season 7 confirmed by guest!
TIL the film Final Destination started out as a script for a potential episode of The X-Files
Which Bones album had the best features?
Brevin Kim & Bones - DEMO (Album discussion thread)
Movies that Joe Bob and Darcy said they would like to have on the show
What is going to hook me the fastest
Suggestions? Looking for a new show
New collab album this Friday
Pick one sequel and defend it with your life. I ain’t judging.
Theories on final 5 episodes (only spoilers up to current episode)
My favorite line after 4 trips to the tower
Who do you think is the best director in the franchise?
Could Jason survive a nuclear explosion?
Upcoming Season Format
Next project speculation