KLM Updated Livery without Crown?
Any $60 game of your choice [Steam]
TIL ada chaos huru-hara di Bandung tadi. ormasnya pada segininya, sudah mental pemalak dan makin beringas! aparat dibantu ormas melakukan tindakan refresif.
The Regime knows best
Setelah charge HP 100% dan sudah tidur, ada entitas yang tidak dikenal makan 40% Baterai selama dini hari sampai pagi...
Cerita Perjuangan Menjadi Anak IT
My LOQ won't sleep automatically
Bro... 💀
I trust Loq with my money
The struggle of keeping your storage as free as possible, visualized
😮💨my PC's gonna die
Stop WIFI Ind*h*me Biarin aja / Kontak org telkom?
Pelajaran sebelum beli tanah/beli rumah/bikin rumah: perhatikan lokasi, kontur, drainase, apakah eks sawah/kebon.
Thoughts on Korean Air's new logo and livery?
China is basically trying to produce the entire semiconductor supply chain domestically
SPBU di Medan Ketahuan Jual Pertalite dengan Oktan 87, Pertamina Beri Penjelasan
Codeblu & sejenisnya dilarang masuk
Ungkapkan keresahanmu Dengan Tukang Servis (Semua Keluhan)
Would I be in trouble if I install the KDE version of Fedora?
Pandangan warga Twitter terhadap warga r/indo
"What do you mean it wasn't some rando from New Zealand who won a tier 6 formula series that no ones ever heard of?"
Recommended buat dibeli.
Dasar pedagang otoriter
Williams won't be as successful in the 1990s as they were in the 1980s, mark my words.
Lenovo legit check
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