Serious question: How can I improve the look of my ravaged looking anus?
In your opinion what's the greatest film of 1995?
WARNING: High Risk Registered Sex Offender at Archimedes Banya
If you could only choose three Tarantino films and the rest disappeared forever, which three are you choosing?
Who do yall think should go here?
Should I shave or trim my leg hair? 21M
Justin Trudeau offering his resignation to the Governor General, March 14th 2025
I just watched Happiness for the first time.
What non horror movie scared the crap out of you as a kid
Anyone here ever watched American Splendor?
A movie that’s so visually stunning you almost don’t care about the plot.
Emilia Pèrez now has the most 1/2 ratings of any movie on Letterboxd
What is the worst first date movie possible
Need new music to listen to!
What is the greatest needle drop in cinema?
Thinking of canceling my order of the new SMSL PL100 CD player… should I ??
What do you think is the most overrated film of the 2020’s so far?
What's the first movie that you think of when you see Matthew Lillard?
Favorite girl failures/losers/flops movies???
Besides LA and NYC, which American city is the setting for some of your favorite films?
Which movies got you this reaction
how many minutes until you're sending this kid to the office?
Popular middle school boys in 2025 starterpack
Best *band* starting with letter K?
Name the movie that gave you this reaction
Should I paint the doors the same Green as the rest?