white truffles
You should know that much “legal THC” is not legal.
DP haul
Anyone come from poverty / homeless as kid? How do you deal with fear / imposters syndrome?
Fire sale - so bought some more to finally bring me to under 17c. What's your cost per sitting at? Who's got the highest?
Ray Dalio warns the U.S. faces an imminent debt crisis as its debt-to-GDP ratio climbs past 122%. Historically, what happens to a country (economically and geopolitically) if the debt/GDP gets out of control and a it can’t pay off its debts?
Quarter of Gen Zs consider quitting work as young Brits cite mental health as key reason to go unemployed
A prevalent talking point is Trump and the 1% want a recession so they can buy things for cheap. I'm not sure that makes a lot of sense if you play it out.
What is Snapdragon G3 tho? Will this handheld worth waiting for?
Toke shatter
Blue Dream
last of my NDL going out to a buddy
Anybody else got this backlight issue on their y700 2023?
Joe's latest IG story
Not using this how I expected
If I pay the minimum due each month but never pay the loan off, what’s the worst that could happen to me?
TIL Only 7% of registered Democrats have a 'very positive' view of the Democratic Party
I was laid off... 15 months ago... I've lost my job of 3 times in 5 years.
if Blood elves were an alliance faction do you think they would be that popular?
Impressive mpg!
I’ve been on benzos 2 years and going to detox tomorrow
DOGE is stirring something in that pot
Finally committed to a home arcade. Went with GameRoomSolutions for my base…
Got let go today, despite exemplary performance
My account has been “lost”.