Regional Dragonite fakemon I tried😂
Couple of recent designs of mine, enjoy!
Legendary Pokémon for my region!
Fairly new to making Fakemon, here's some I've done
Paradox Goodra I did! Let me know if you like it!
Paradox Dragapult I did, hope you like it!
Paradox Baxcalibur I designed, let me know if you like it!
[Weekly Questions Thread] 30 December 2024
Was that the only hour of regidragi, regieleki, zacian and zamazenta?
Zacian raid on me 648388190490
What was your first pokemon game vs your favorite?
Need help evolving porygon into porygon2 (also want a wishiwashi)
Touch trade to evolve porygon into porygon2... Also want a wishiwashi
LF: Koraidon FT: whatever might be of interest
LF: Walking Wake + Raging Bolt FT: assorted legendaries
LF: violet paradoxes FT: scarlet paradoxes
LF: all future paradox (non-legendary) FT: all past paradox (non-legendary)
LF: Dreepy and bagon FT: larvitar and deino
LF Hisuian typhlosion
LF: Hisuian Typhlosion FT: Let me know what you want.
LF: Hisuian Typhlosion and Litten FT: let me know what you want
Micky chosen for EAFC25’s TOTW3
(OC) My attempt at making evolutions for flapple and appletun, as I think it's unfair that dipplin is the only one to get one.
My attempt at evolutions for flapple and appletun. Thoughts?