Why is he called Big Daddy? Is he kinky?
Image says it all
i made more cool ahh shots, which one is the best?
Favorite YouTuber moment?
Ok,guys,what actually happend in this scene based on your guess?
Wait so.
For any Sonic fans out there, you might not have paid attention to this fact about good old Roger Craig Smith
What have they done to my boy 😭 why is he always trapped in multiple universe?
Did you guys know that you could find Wally Franks hat in BATDR?
What is a character that scared you before but now they don't scare you anymore?(Art by c410fnaf)
Any lore related reason why Fisher is labeled “LIAR”?
What do all of these icons at the top mean?
What happens if the ink machine is destroyed?
Be honest, what would you give for this?
Something confusing about riley story
made my own bendy poster! #1
Games Similar to Bendy and the Ink Machine?
Here’s a fan-made GENT Pipe Upgrade I made:
It's been almost two years and BATDR still doesn't have its own dedicated Wikipedia page. What gives?
The fall of Bendy
Hey, I’m doing 100% of both Bendy games, and need some help with “Ink Master” achievement (complete game deathless). Does anyone have tips?? Can I complete on easy or medium? Would love some help