Found on Facebook. The shop is notorious for not so great tattoos.
Can you share pics of your rainbow pups? I want to see who she is playing with up there!
Can someone tell me what I’m sitting on?
Facebook find. LoTR tattoo…
LF: Touch Trade Shining Pearl Palkia
Pokémon home organization
Search filter not functioning properly?
Are you guys getting a Switch 2 this year, or are you going to wait for news on the next Xeno-game first
Switch 2 release year prediction
2024 31F Medical Assistant
🌟 (Genned/Cloned!) Sunday Transfer Box Giveaway #2🌟
Your last saved picture of a character has been sent to fight him, what's his survival chance?
Mom started playing. Send her gifts 🎁 053355568759
I’ve had every color of hair. Which one should I stick with? Plain brown?
Need 1 sandstorm gift.
Celibacy week check-in
Is this a good idea ?
Hot take: Brent Smith is the best singer to ever exist. Change my mind.
I did my part.
Event Giveaway
Ringing the cancer bell is cruel
Any help before I resort to going to the Apple Store?
What's your egg to shiny ratio? Mine is 1 out of 1178
Python taking a dump