This idea came to me while I was half asleep
Who is the better villain, and why? (I feel like nobody agrees on this)
There is no stronger bond in the world than the love between K-Pop Idols and the KBS Music Bank Stairwell
Fun Fact! Hiccup was born prematurely
Fun Facts for new fans
I want Zoe and Sabrina to be a thing but then I remember Delmar from NYC special
Art by dani_smilek😍😍
If you could…
DJ saturday nite costume in LBPVita
Win or Lose Episodes 3 & 4 Discussion
NewTropica (Progress Report 2#)
Walmart delivery substitutions
Who's the real Amy?
Shang wins Universally Beloved! Which Disney Princess’s Love Interest is Mostly Well-Liked?
What's an opinion that gets you in this position?
If marinette wasn’t in love with Adrien she wouldn’t catch Lila
Possibility of New Miraculous’ showing up
Can anyone come up with an any other superhero name for the mouse miraculous.
What's your opinion on the new animation?
Don’t judge Snow White just yet
I'm I the only one who really likes the new animation?
Day 29 of daily Hiccstrid photo dumps
ELI5: Yearly income vs Take home pay
They are ruining marinette character....
Hold up, was this poster official? I know the Ladybug one is real