Adorable x Adorable
Succession war characters in anime style (PT10) - Zakuro
This is why the old version of the anime stopped in Greed Island arc... <:
Does anyone else feel a connection to Zushi?😂
It seem there are no gentle heroes these days...
The secret of Neferpitou beauty!!
Name a character that you would get hate even if you said you love them.
My opinion of pedophiles...
Chimera ant arc in 10 seconds:
Which character do you think would make good husband/wife material?
Who would win from these two??
Imagine Melody gets healed of the devils’ music curse and all that happens is her hair grows out again and she loses her bald spot
Succession war characters in anime style (PT9) - Bill
"Well, if Uvogin used his Big Bang Impact he could cause me a little trouble..."
The truth about HXH Protagonists Duality
That transformation 😖
New Volume of HxH Announced
What Hisoka did in Chimera ants arc
Top 4 Manga Protagonists
HxH wallpapers I made
Is there a Hunter x Hunter character like this?
Sigma Chadrio be like
Life is tough for some characters