Warning: reports of humans going missing in winsconsin yellow stone park have risen by 32%. We have photo evidence from a luckly survivor who suffered pelvis damage.
God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...but why the hell are the rest of us getting those battles too?
The concept of headpats is very confusing but every species we tried seems to love it.
Be nice to humans with glasses, they pay money just to see you.
How come dominating people only calls us humans a snack and not a whole meal? We have a lot more meat to our personality and bones.
The eyes of a person can usually give you clues on what type of person they are just by the look of it.
In an attempt to bridge the gap of human and xeno relationship. We gave xeno human clothing to add sex appeal.
The human game of chess requires you to top a king and order to do so you must defeat anything that protects him.
Last thing a human wants to do is admit they need help, they want to prove that they are strong on their own. This will only make the moment they ask even more embarassing.
Its commonly said that the road to revenge is lonesone and one of self damnation. humans don't care however and still accompany their friends on their journey.
Nicknames towards humans are not ment for coolness, its rather embarrassing to be frank depending on what you did.
You guys do use your instruments for other reasons than seducation right?
Humans are the type to love a character and give them the absolute worst fate imaginable.
"Human? You did do your taxes right? Why are two heavily armed irs agents heading our way?"
Behold, the least [redacted] human file!
For very spesific reasons, humans have software inside of a software.
See, sex with a monster unknowingly is truly scary. (Idk i never did it)
Does one want a legacy? Pt 2
To explain it in a nutshell to an alien. Post nut clarity is pretty much the mind having self realization for a short while. This can be abused in many ways.
To humans, life is all about questioning things and never accepting one-side. Which makes it hard for us to relate to our xeno friends since they don't bother with it.
Maids are not exclusively women only job, men can be hired for maid jobs too.
Many people express their love in totally silly ways. Some play fight, others sing, or make art.
"With this trench coat, i will totally blend in with these humans and find me a mate"
How come we only upvote post that has only horny images, but not the original stories people make? (Ngl this maybe projecting)
Upon entering the federation, humans have bought a lot of milk from a certain race. Only issue is they don't have cows...