Best LM you've used so far?
Buy gold Mbappe or do his potm
FS Best's passing proves that playstyles are everything
Best CAM you've used so far?
TOTY Reiten reviews?
Can you get SBC banned on companion app?
Anyone used Dembele without a role ++?
Do we think an LG C4 would perform well in this bright room?
Will an OLED (likely an LG C4) be able to perform well in my bright living room?
Help me choose my next TV!
Help me upgrade my TV? Best 55 inch option?
Who we saying is the best sbc?
Ze Roberto vs Gavi?
Best icon GK this year?
Manager and Player career modes- quick season sp
Battle of the best box to box Centre Mids...
Help choose my next game...
Is Elden Ring too difficult for casual game players?
Press proven+ is cracked?
Anyone got a solid League SBC guide? Not BPM..
Does anyone have a league sbc guide - NOT BPM?
/u/nepaligamer FUT Rep Profile VIII
Eusebio reviews?
Want to sell 6M coins
Mbappe Gold Vs POTM - Playstyle